NAME: The name of this organization shall be the Kirtland Garden Club.

PURPOSE: The purpose of this club is to stimulate knowledge of and support of the preservation of natural beauty around us.

MEMBERSHIP: Active: Any person interested in the club’s purpose is expected to participate in the activities of the club. Donor: Non-voting member, with $15 donations, open to all club meetings and trips.

DUES: The dues of the Kirtland Garden Club shall be $15 annually. If paid after September the amount will be $20. New members shall pay $15 when joining. Members not paid by the end of September will not be included on the membership list.

OFFICERS: The officers of the Club shall be Co-chairmen, Co-secretaries, Co-treasurer.

These officers shall constitute the Executive Board. All officers shall be elected at the October meeting for a term of one year, not to exceed two years, with the exception of the Co-treasurers, to begin at the November meeting.

MEETINGS: The regular meeting of the Kirtland Garden Club shall be the third Monday of each month at a time and place so determined. A regular meeting will be postponed provided it has been so voted at a previous meeting. There shall be a required organizational meeting after the election of officers to be attended by the previous and new officers. An optional meeting may be held semi-annually at the discretion of the co-chairmen. Reservations for meetings need to be made by the date advertised in the Houghton Lake Resorter. This includes all meetings as the hostess committee needs to set up the room so everyone has seating. Cancellations must be made by the advertised cut off date or you will be responsible for any expense incurred in your name. Set the budget for the next year.


CO-CHAIRMEN shall share the responsibility of presiding at all regular and special meetings. They shall enforce the By-laws. Officers shall have the power to fill vacancies in offices. They shall appoint a minimum of two (2) members to review the By-laws every three years. Shall distribute the position sign-up sheet for officers and committee chairs two (2) months prior to the election of officers.

SECRETARY shall keep accurate records of all meetings, including the monthly treasurer’s report and carry on all correspondence including thank you notes as well as maintain a file of all correspondence.

TREASURER shall collect all monies and dues, issue receipts for such and place in local bank. The treasurer will be a member of the donation committee, prepare a written statement for each meeting reflecting all receipts and bills for the month, distribute a current roster and copy of the By-laws to each garden club member and furnish new members with a copy of the By-laws, roster and name tag. The Treasurer shall prepare the books for the yearly audit within 21 days prior to election of officers. They shall present previous years line item budget at the officers meeting.


All Committees are accountable to the Executive Board.

PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Shall have a minimum of four (4) members. There shall be a term limit of two (2) years. Each year two (2) new members will be elected for a two (2) year term. Individual members are encouraged to give ideas for programs.

Responsibilities include:

  • Equipment and necessary handouts

  • Introduction of speaker

  • Plan programs and field trips for each month

  • Take reservations

  • Publicity of upcoming events

  • Seek approval of expenses above the club’s normal fees for upcoming programs subject to Executive Board approval.

  • Advise secretary of names and address for speakers and field trip contacts.

  • Planning committee is authorized to augment speakers fees and mileage up to $100.00 from the Education Fund without prior Board approval

BUDGET COMMITTEE: Shall consist of those attending the organizational committee meeting. Their responsibilities are to establish a budget of monies consisting of income and Expense.

Income shall include:

  • Dues

  • Art Festival proceeds

  • Annual educational seminar revenue which will remain a separate entity.

  • Garden Tour proceeds.

  • Other fundraisers as approved by a vote of the membership.

Expenses shall include:

  • Speaker fees not to exceed $100 per monthly in-house and/or IRS standard for mileage

  • Historical Committee expenses

  • Publicity

  • Postage and publishing

  • Donations

  • Hostess supplies

  • Scholarships

  • Miscellaneous: occasional unexpected expenses over $25 subject to Executive Board approval

DONATION COMMITTEE: Shall be a three-member committee, one of whom is the Treasurer.

Responsibilities include:

  • Review requests for donations and identification of recipients for non-budgeted funds.

  • Funds will be dispersed in the geographic area of garden club membership.


Remind members who volunteered to bring refreshments for the meetings.

ART FESTIVAL COMMITTEE: Motivate members to divide, pot plants and label them.

Coordinate the volunteers for set-up, take down and running the plant sale.

Responsibilities include:

  • Arrange for location

  • Set up and break-down

  • Scheduling for workers

  • Disperse information to Club members

  • Preparation of sales


Shall be a three (3) chairs committee to plan the Garden Walk

  • Secure the gardens

  • Tickets/advertisement

  • Coordinate helpers/after tour

COMMUNITY GARDEN BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE: Shall be a two (2) member committee

Responsibilities include:

  • Schedule weeding, watering and purchasing of plants.

HISTORICAL COMMITTEE: Shall be a two-member committee keeping a pictorial and written history of the Club’s activities. They are authorized reasonable fees for a scrapbook and pictures. The scrapbook shall be circulated at the annual meeting


Write, edit and forward meeting notices, events and other pertinent information to club members. Website: Social media is Facebook called the Kirtland Garden Club of Higgins and Houghton Lake.


Puts out material and nature related ads of interest to the club and public.


Shall review applications.

SEMINAR COMMITTEE: Shall be a two-person committee to chair the Seminar Committee.

Responsibilities include:

  • Secure speaker(s)

  • Room

  • Lunch

  • Collect monies

  • Advertise

  • For the annual Education Class. The date of each Education Class will be set for the following year at the fall organizational meeting.

AMENDMENTS: The By-laws may be amended by a majority vote of the club members present provided advance notice of the proposed change has been given. The by-laws shall be reviewed or revised every three (3) years by an appointed committee.

PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY: If necessary, Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the authority for this club.


These By-laws become effective upon approval by a majority vote of members present.

BY-LAWS COMMITTEE: Barb Bishoff, Maggie Cashman, Bev Cooke, Debbie Lehman and Jean Schneider

DATED: September 14, 2001

PRESENTED; September 17, 2001

VOTED: October 15, 2001

AMENDED November 18, 2002, November,17, 2003, January 19, 2004,

November 15, 2004, November 19, 2007, September 20, 2010,

January 16, 2012, November 18, 2013, September 17, 2018 and

November 16, 2020

REVIEWED September 12, 2016 - NO CHANGES

AMENDED October 8, 2019 and October 17, 2022 & published for the first time to the website